massive shoppink - spree!

yesterday busu ( its mak usu actually ) and her family came to my house to visit my mom because she's not feeling very well.. so i met my candy boy..wee~~ i mish that lil guy so much la weyy..hehe...busu kate sok ade jusco member card day.."ibu!!! nape ibu xckp ade sale!!! grrr..."
sabar jew laaa...busu ckp xpew la..pegi ngn dye sok..

so today..pegi la...minx tlg sygg hantarkan..da lmbat..hehe..first g bank dulu..g cucuk duwet.. ( 1st time pkai atm..excited dye lebeyh ckit.. )..then g keramat..g uma busu..busu ajak nk LRT..hmmm....sygg kate leyh antakan smpai JJ..ok..nek keta..

sampai JJ, perh! ramai glew babeng kowt..ingat nk ajak sygg teman shopink parking lak g shoppink ngn busu jew la..
yeah...busu shoppink xengat dunia...smpai xlarat nk angkut bakul tu dah...seret jew..hehe...last2 bru dye tanye.."Qidd nk bli ape erk td??" luckily she still remember that im still exist there!

its totally with the noises from the promoter shouting telling that they can give you 70% discount..and everything are most likely to be sooooo cheap.. damn i buy 3tshirt, 1mini pants and 1 trousers... i thought of buying new jeans..but...conform kne mara ngn ibu jup g...things that i buy today are for the sake of matriks..i did not buy any fancy shirt or dress...its only long sleeve tshirt..suck!

finish for the cloths..we move on the bedspread corner..i buy 1pillow..and i did not find anything that is fully white for the bed..busu suggest, jahit jew la sndri...bukan ssah pown..gedebak, gedebik. gedebuk..da nk balik da..kol la pick us up..lepak ngn busu kt luar sementara sygg dtg...guess what...I LOST MY PLASTIC BAG FULL OF MY CLOTH!! damn nk nanges jew ase nyew time tuh...busu suh pi masuk balik...carik kt sume tmpat yg kitew singgah tadi..hwaaaa!! g la masuk balik...carik kt celah2 cadar tuh...carik kt corner's department..trun naek JJ tuh puluh kali..aduuuiii...k give up..bodoh la sape yg amik plastic beg tuh..on my way out..busu call.. "xjumpe ag ke qidd??da carik kt sume tmpat da kew? cube carik ag skali.."

so pegi balik kt sume tmpat...and tergerak aty nie nk g carik kt counter tmpat aku byar bju2 tuh..sampai jew kt situh.."kak, de jumpe plastic tertinggal kt cnie x??" then kakak tuh sengeh.."adek bayar jew tadi, adek trus blah..plastic nye adek tak amik.." alhamdulillah..kuang3..silly me! hahahahaa...mangkuk tol...tu la..clumsy sgt...

kuar JJ..carik sygg...balik...the silence fill the quite..everyone exhausted kowt..
and tahniah tok sygg...sygg la owang yang paling berhemah skali bawak keta..hehehe...sloooooooow gilew la sygg nk gelak jew...slalu xdew la slow cam tu..mentang2 la bawak busu kn..hehehe...anyway...penat teman busu...happy jumpe sygg..saket ati xdpt bli bju yg diidamkan..klaka dengan kesilapan sndri..terubat rndu dpt jumpa muhammad daniel thaqeef ( lil guy up there )...and thats all for today...nk tdooo..zZzZzZzZzZz

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