

hey giceeee

ohhh for God sake.
i miss my blog
i miss my fingers dancing through my keyboard writing my blog
but i dont have that time

9 months ago. 
it was on february
i was appointed to be the director of
Pemeta's Annual Grand Dinner 2013

it was a big honoured for me because 
they trusted me to held this big event
i memang tak ada pengalaman langsung 
like seriously
and masa mula-mula tuh,
i tak tawu pown nak mula dari mana

here i am now
writing my post about the event 
yang i handle sendiri
*rasa bangga sikit disitu
sebab i started from zero


my dinner was held on 
15th November 2013
at Le Grandeur Palm Resort Johor

 dalam Perkasa Ballroom

mula-mula i requested to do this event outdoor
at the poolside
untuk siape2 yang pergi hari tuh la kan
perasan tak ada pool besar dekat-dekat dengan parking tuh
then ada stage sekali dekat pool tuh kan
i requested nak buat kat situ
but my event manager kata
takot hujan on that day
and syukur jugak i didnt do at the poolside
sebab memang hujan pown 

ok.. nak cerita pasal theme pulak
i actually nak buat theme yang semua orang boleh join
and senang nak pikir
so we came up with masquerade theme
senang sebab just bawak mask je
baju, pakailah apa2 pown
jeans and tshirt Geofam pown bolehhhh
kann nokk

i know i make a fucking good damn decision 
for choosing Azi and Noey to be my Deco team
You gice seriously did a very good job
i was so happy to see the decorations
the table decorations, the stage and also the photobooth
walaupun i ada sekeping dua je pic kat photobooth
tak merasa nak amik gambo sebab penuh sangat orang kat situ

then thank you untuk team protocol
i have no idea at all pasal protocol2 ni
i memang seriously ikot je arahan korang
 u gice dont worry.
korang memang buat yang terbaik
protocol korang xde yang ke longkang pown on that day
the event berjalan dengan lancar
rasanya cukup la untuk memuaskan hati i
xya nak puaskan hati orang lain
korang the best!
eh.. roommate tercinta saya taw jadi team protocol nie
big clap for you sayanggg!

trima kaseh gak muizz :)

team hadiah-hadiah pown besh
at least we gave something that is useful for the goodie bag
cuma ada masalah sikit kan kat sticker tuh
suddenly pulak kale dye tak berapa clear
sorry pasal tuh
cantik hadiah untuk cik din tuh
thanx Kak Farah! :')
handmade tawww

kalau nak sebut semua team-team i
memang post nie jadi macam infinity
tapi seriously
seikhlas hati Qidd
I am so grateful that i have each one of you in my team
korang sangat supportive
i know u all dah bagi all out dah untuk dinner ni
rasa terharu sangat bila ada sahabat-sahabat yang sentiasa
bersama i susah senang ni
seriously terharu

kan i dah lama xtulis blog
i sendiri pown dah lupe my last post tuh pasal ape
sebabnya tetibe rating blog meningkat mendadak
xsangka blog i ada peminat setia
siap print screen bagai kan.. takot blog i lesap lepas ni
okeyh2.. time kaseh gak untuk peminat setia tuh
siap xsabar nak baca post i nie
rasa macam retis sekejap

bila check balik,
ohhhhh..rupa2nya post i pasal dinner last year yang jadi kes
okeyh.. macam nie la
i do commented about ur dinner right
but ape je yang i kate pengurusan a lit bit slow
yang lain superb
seriously akak-akak and abang-abang buat sangat cantik
i pown enjoy myself on that day 
Qidd ikhlas cakap nie

pengurusan yang i maksudkan tuh cume pasal
bas.. yang lain xde masalah
anyway, Qidd dengan rasa rendah hati nya 
minta maaf if apa Qidd kata tuh dah buat abang and akak terasa
u gice did a very good job!

and for God sake
dari mula Qidd dapat jawatan nie
i xde niat langsung nak beat apa yang u gice buat
sebab memang susah benda nie
i sendiri admit apa yang i handle i nie pown banyak sangat kekurangan
teknikal kami ada masalah 
makanan cam xberapa nak umphhh sangat
then kelam kabut on the event day
everyone make mistake right
therefore i am truly sorry
i had tried my best 

frankly speaking
jangan lah kata kami nie bodoh sombong bila x mintak tolong senior
bukan apa
i memang dah pesan kat crew2 i 
kalau boleh jangan ganggu forth year
i know u gice busy dengan final year project
then keje-keje laen lagi kan
sebab tuh jugak i dah cakap jangan paksa forth year if dorang xnak pergi
its all depends on u
yang terkejut nya tetibe ada orang tanya dinner xjadi ke
aiii.. macam nak gila i handle ni, tetibe kluar rumours cam tuh kan
btw terima kasih sangat2 untuk abang shazwan and abang khai, Kak sue jugak
sebab tolong kami :)

cuma 1st , 2nd and 3rd year je la 
i suruh push gile2
paksa jugak pergi
*gelak evil
sebab kita pown ada masalah dengan hotel nie

and after this if ada rasa xpuas hati
speak directly to me
rasanya lebih matang dari kita bergaduh di twitter atau facebook
atau media2 lain

after a while,
when i looked back at all of this
and i realized
after all the those hurts, scars and bruises
after all of the trials
i really made it through
i did it
i survived that was supposed to kill me
so i straightened my  crown
and walk proudly
i know me and my teams had done our best
and we proud of it!

and just a friendly reminder
about the shit that you heard about me
it might be true
but then again
it could be as fake as the bitch who told you.

biasalah kan
when u are on top
there will always someone who
is trying to bring u down

there you go
eh tahniah untuk King and Queen of the night
cantek gilossss :D

nak post sume gambooo

orang-orang penting. 

personally thanx to Faizman. mantan pengerusi pemeta

Timbalan Pengarah

muka bahagia dah selesaiiiii

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