last day Intern

assalamualaikum orang kampung oiii !

heee.. suppose orang bandar la ye dak..
xpe.. nak fefeling duduk kampung
almaklumlah, i xde kampung
sedih kan 

hmmm, xde mase nak tulis blog
makin lama opis nie makin banyak plak job masuk
so i helped them here and therelah
xbanyak pown yang i boleh tolong
mane-mane yang tahu tuh, tolong-tolong la sikit

then i was busy with the report 
i completed the report with 70 pages
then baru teringat nak tengok contoh report 
menyimpang report i
so terpaksa la redho
report yang tebal alam ni, i will give to my boss
as a souvenier from me

sekejap je rase
today is my last day of internship
it feels kinda sad
sad leaving my sweet and talkative boss
untung isteri boss dapat suami macam boss
my boss is a very kind and generous
hik hik
kak ida, kak su and kak shida
thanx for giving me chance to learn
thanx for teaching me stuff that i never knew before
thanx for always belanje me
thanx for everything
i was so grateful i was placed here 
to complete my internship
Alhamdulillah :')

so tomorrow or the day after tomorrow
i will be going back to johor bahru
balik UTM dah
sob sob sob

there will be seminar, presentation
and also final
yup.. you hear it..
semua orang pelik kenapa intern ada final..
well.. i pown pelik gak
tapi nak buat macam mana
redha jugak la

rasanya presentation paling scary kowt
doa2 kan dipermudahkan segalanya

so here i am
writing my last post in this lovely heart warming office
moga Allah murahkan lagi rezeki boss itew
En. Abdul Sukor
moga akak2 disini sentiasa aman damai
rajin bekerja
and namo gadoh-gadoh taw
muuuaaahx :*
heart you akak akak :)

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