kuching trip * wink2!

hey giceee!!
im backkk...lol.. ( cam g jauh sgt jew..)
hehe...balik ari ahad.. update blog ari nie..
too lazy to reach for my lappy..

so far the trip was fun..even thoough we encounter some minor problem...
 durrhh..due to somebody.. 
the first day :  
my flight was at 9 something..
 and the runway was a bit busy that day.
so we had to wait for about half an hour for the flight to taxi..
then we reached there at about 11 something..
tapi kiteorang kne tunggu ag 1 trip..cause their flight was late 2 hours..
sementara menunggu tuh, g la mam jup..
pas sume da setel, trip ag 1 pown da sampai..
 kiteowang g crocodiles park..
tgok jumping crocs..hehe.. the crocodile was really jump to get the food.. 
then g kilang membuat pasu...
pas tuh baru check in hotel..
for the dinner, we ate "ayam penyet"
ok laa...sdap la gak..macam ayam goreng berempah..

second day :
woke up at 5, then start our journey at 6.30..
we went to sarikin..the border of sumatera, indonesia..
tempat tuh shoppink jew..xde benda laen pown..
then g tempat orang utan liar.. memang terbiar kt dlam utan tuh
we had  to keep a distance from them and remain silence.
.unfortunately, some of us kene baling botol dgn orang utan tuh.
.maybe sebab dye bwat bising kowt.. ;)
next is the rumah panjang ( i dunno which etnics)
we had the chance to walk around their houses..
and paling penting naek jambatan buluh dowang..perh..
seram gilew..hehe
malam g dinner seafood kat atas bumbung 1 bangunan nieh..
then kami2 g jenjalan kt waterfront.. ( parents x ikot ) ;)
tuh yg best tuh..lepak2 sampai xle bukak mate da..bru balik hotel..

third day :
our last day..g santok .. the last place for shoppink..
then g kilang kek lapis..
kedai souvenier..
my family had to leave because our flight were early than others..
kebetulan flight kiteowang tuh special flight ( asean flight )
one of the F.A. orang thai.. then we had a few games..
 my sisters were were invited to sing in the flight..even though time tuh bad weather..
some of the passengers had to demo back the safety *
it was fun.. :)
finally we reached home safely at 9 pm..
letak kpale atas bantal..terus tidoo.. :)

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visit my

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