baby brotha


hey peeps!

another busy week i had go through 

but wait..
next week are much much much 
busier than this week
i had 3 test on the same day
Hydrography in the morning
Geodesy in the evening
and lastly
Effective Communication at night

gile doee
3test in 1 day
dah la Hydro and Geod tuh tough subject
Dear Allah, please help me to go through this day

InsyaAllah boleh 
keep calm & smile :)

so the SPM is just around the corner
i guess another 3days
kenapa i pulak yang sibuk kan?

well my baby brotha is taking SPM this year
i think i lagi takot dari dye

kalau nak diikutkan
i am much more lucky than him
i have my ibu and ayah to support me at that time
plus ibu siap buat kenduri doa selamat
for me few days before SPM
itu belum kira duit tuition 
yang my parents tanggung for the whole year
how grateful i am at that time

and mase result SPM keluar,
ibu and ayah datang sekali untuk amik same-same
even though mase result
UPSR n PMR, i amik sorang2 je
they just call me from office to know my result

so it does mean alot to me when both of them come
to my school at that time
then ada pulak kenduri kesyukuran because i 
passed with flying colours in my SPM
*flying colours la sangat kann

what i am going to say is 
i am luckier than him
i pity him
i really wish i can help him
i really wish he get like what i get during my time

from what i know
*my brotha bukan jenis yang suke share personal
thing nie,
he pay for his own tuition
he did everything by his own
kesian kan

and guess what
dye bukan stingy person
very independent
and just now he text me 

im touched !
i told you my baby brotha sangat baek
*even sometime he could be so annoying!
he meant a lot to me :')

so dear Nur Iman Iqmal Zaini,
hyee :)
* awkward
ok akak nak mintak maaf 
akak banyak buat salah kat iman
n akak dah maafkan sume salah iman
akak halalkan ape2 yang akak da bagi kat iman
akak doakan kejayaan iman dunia & akhirat
moga iman dapat jawab SPM dengan tenang
moga iman dapat buat ayah dan ibu bangga  
moga iman diberkati oleh Allah

for the last few days,
study smart + hard
i noe laki nie kalau study last minute
memang berkesan
i am sowry sebab xsempat nak ajar
iman +math
*my +math pown suck je sebenarnya
so do your best baby brotha
akak doakan iman 
*gosh, why i am crying!

and make me proud!

you are the best brotha in the world

and i know i never said this out aloud

i love you and i always do :')

*dah pergi study!


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