salam aidilfitriiii

hey hey.. its raye eve.. gawd..the time passed so fast..i didnt even realize tat we already on the 30th day of fasting..
and the best thing is.. and im proudly say that.. SAYE PUASE PENOH TAUN NIE! HaHaHaHa *evil laugh
bangge ouh..bia la owang nak kate aku x normal skali pown.. kesah lak aku ngn ape korang nak kate ann..
da mmg rezeki aku dapat pose penoh taun nie.. =)

so i finished all the preparations and  all the decorations.. the most tiring day.. non-stop work from mowink till now..
currently.. my parents de invite owang surau tok takbir raye  kat umah kami.. its such a bless =) so smentare dowang nga bertakbir tuh..i update blog lewrrr.. i mish my blog.. muahx!

and raye taun nie kt mane?? tired answering this question.. let me make it CLEAR here..
hehe... kecian ann kt i..xde kg.. buerk! =p actually im proud to be such a pure kl citizens.. and i nie bkn la owang yang suke balik kg pown.. klo nak ase balik kg..emm maybe la ballik melaka,,umah nek nyang * my great grandmother... tu pown...msti pegi pagi, balik ptg.. agak xbesh nk dok sane.. lol..

what else??ouh yeah,,im alone.. my kareshi da blik kg..huwaaaa! bru engat nak raye ngn syggg..huhu...balik kl pat!
naty qidd da balik puncak alam final exam.. 1 hapak pown xstdy ag nieh..ngan assignment belambak..aishhh...

today is 9th sept ryte??yeah..its been a year since the "TARIKH KERAMAT"..sape yg taw sal 9.9.09 tuh...hmm..
bia jew la..da blalu pown...i dun want it to happened again.. sick of it!

anyway..esok hari raye.. selamat hari raye tok sume2..qd minx maap dari ujung kaki smpai la ujung kpale..sorry for everything,,if termencarut kew..terpukul kew..tersepak ke..termengumpat kew..forgive me keyh..nobody is perfect =)
so happy eid..enjoy your holiday!
gud luck to dinie,,shes taking upsr after raye;)

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