100 "Have You Evers"

Take a Deep Breath... Lets get ready to have some FUN!

1. Made out for more than 3 minutes?ish..pe nyew soklan daa..
2. Slept in a different bed?yeah...sumtime in iman room. ibu room
3. Made out in a movie theatre?haha..never
4. made out with 2 different people in one night?never laaa..
5. Thought your cousin was hot?euww..no...!
6. Been in love?of course
7. Slept past noon?once
8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex?penah la..kcik2 dlu
9. Gone over the speed limit?ermmm...soon i guess.
10. Painted your room?yup..
11. Drove a car?yeap..
12. Danced in front of your mirror?always
13. Gotten a hickey?not interested
14. Been dumped?nope..never..
15. Stole money from a friend?im not desperate keyh
16. Gotten in a car with people you just met?yeap..once..i hate him!
17. Been in a fist fight?x2...i baek..
18. Snuck out of your house?nope
19. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?yup..=(
20. Been arrested?hehe..once..the police thought that im going to run away from home
21. Made out with a stranger?i never make out with anybody keyh!
22. Left your house with out telling your parents?a few times..sowrie=)
23. Had a crush on your neighbor?haha...mase kcik2 dlu..
24. Ditched school to do something more fun?err..yeah..bcos i find that goin for tuition is more fun than my school..
25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex?same : yeah..always different: always in my dreams..lol
26. Seen someone die?yup..my granny..my auntie..
27. Been on a plane?sure i did..
28. Kissed a picture?hehe...pnah kowt..
29. Slept in the opposite sex's bed?yup..smelly!
30. Love someone or miss someone right now?totally yess!
31. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?yeah...fun!
32. Made a snow angel?never..i live in malaysia kowt..
33. Played dress up?hehe...pnah2..besh2..
34. Cheated while playing a game?yup...ngn iman..padan muke ko!
35. Been lonely?yeap...about..4months ago..
36. Fallen asleep at work/schoolhehe...sape xpnah kan..
37. Been to a club?soon..wee~~
38. Felt an earthquake?yup..
39. Touched a snake?i will never ever touched anything that have no legs or more than 4 legs!
40. Ran a red light?blom ag..
41. Been suspended from school?uih..no...
42. Had detention..nope..
43. Been in a car?mestila pernah...adoii..
44. Hated the way you look?neehh...i always love the way i look..
45. Witnessed a crime?yup...owang tuh curik sepet ambut..bodo tol..
46. Been lost?hehe...yeap..lost at central market..haha
47. Been to the opposite side of the country?yeap..
48. Felt like dying from embarrassment?haha...pnah2..
49. Cried yourself to sleep?huhu..mase heartbreak dulu..
50. Sang karaoke?xmnat laa..
51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?yeap..i told my self not to have lunch..but sumtime i have to break my rule..
52. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose?euww...haha..noo...noo..
53. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?yeah..kt genting ri tuh..but its not the real snowflake rite..
54. Kissed in the rain?hehehehe=)
55. Sung in the shower?yup...a few times..
56. Had a dream that you married someone?pnah2..besh!
57. Played getting married?yeap..mase kanak2 ribena dulu..
58. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?why must i do something stupid like that..
59. Ever gone to school partially nude?xpnah ag...hehe
60. Been a blind date?yeah..and it was stupid..
61. Sat on a roof top?uih...uma i tggi...xleyh dok atas tuh..mati kang...
62. Didn't take a shower for a week?hahaha...never!
63. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?yup..especially indonesian movie
64. Played chicken?huh??
65. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?nope..
66. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?yeap..
67. Broken a bone?nope..
68. Been easily amused?hehe..yup..
69. Laugh so hard you cry?yeah..with my girlfiee..
70. Cheated on a test?hehe..yeah...
71. Forgotten someone's name?always..i have bad memory on that..
72. Blacked out from drinking?i never drink
73. Played a prank on someone?yeap..slalu..
74. Gone to a late night movie?never have chance yet..
75. Made love to anything not human?uih...gilew kew..
76. Failed a class?nope..but failed paper ade la skali due tuh..
77. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?nope..
78. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours?no no no
79. Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend?yeap...sowrie=)
80. Did you celebrate the 4th of July?pe tuhh??
81. Thrown strange objects?hehe..ade laa..
82. Felt like someone else?nope..
83. Thought about running away?yeap...always..when im with my granny..
84. Ran away?ran away from nenek..
85. Had detention and not attend it?xde2..
86. Made parents cry?yup..ibu..
87. Cried over someone?slalu la gak..
88. Owned more than 5 sharpies?i only have one..
89. Dated someone more than once?yup...definitely!
90. Have a dog?boleyh kew??
91. Own an instrument?yup...keyboard jew..
92. Been in a band?haha..not interested..
93. Drank 25 sodas in a day?neeehh..
94. Broken a cd?yup...xsgaje..
95. Shot a gun?uih..xmo la..
96. Been on myspace for more than 5 hours?haha..always..
97. Fell asleep at the computer?nope..
98. Have a major crush on someone right now?yup..konpem!
99. Have a religion?ade...
100. Thought about what people would say at your funeral?yeah..ade gak terpiki tuh..

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