ari nie pergi Low Yatt, teman ayah. He wants to trade in his lappy with a new Dell ( jeless la tuh! ) he finally made his mind.he bought a new dell inspiron. Yang best nyew, dye tanye, " nak beli kale ape nie??" dgn rase bangge plus megah nyew aku jawab PINK!!. Iman nak apple green.But sowrie man,ur opinion, unneeded! so ikowt la cina tuh ke hulu, ke hilir, ke atas, ke bawah g carik lappy tuh..i said i want to exchange the lappy with ayah. i really want that pink agree!!

ayah made the payment.after 1 hour,bru dapat tgok lappy tuh..walaweiiiii....canteeekkk gilew laaa...light pink yang aku mnat lak tuh..adeehh...skali bukak dalam...hmmm...ermmm...xmenepati cite rase!!..its not the same model as i want. nk tukar, payment da di timbul la pelbagai persoalan dalam kpale otak niew..

The Good Side of Qidd( GQ ) : Alah..trime jew la lappy tuh..
The Bad Side of Qidd ( BQ ) : Xmo...lappy tuh besar cikit..
GQ : Ok la tuh..kan kale PINK! yg ko nak tuh..
BQ : Mmg shape dye xcantek cam yg red lappy tuh..
GQ : Kan cina tuh cakap nie yg paling latest skali..
BQ : Byk la..cina tuh kencing jew lebeyh..klo latest mstilah nipis skit, ade HDMI pown cantek ag..i really want that STUDIO lappy nyew..
GQ : Kan ko nak keyboard itam..itam la tuh..
BQ : Tp yg nie xlah fully black..
GQ : Ko nie pe hal xrety bersyukur ha??!
BQ : Erh, aku punye suke la..aku de hak..
GQ : Cerewet!!
BQ : So what??!
GQ : Whateverr..

Tuntas nyew :: Ayah, akak nk tukar lappy ag leyh x..akak nk pakai yang merah tuh sowrie =)

yearr...i want that red lappy back..cinte pandang pertama tuh..hehe..ayah, ibu,.. im sowrie for acting so childish today..btw, thanx for today..hehe..lurf u yah,lurf u bu..

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