kitten :)

i have no idea why suddenly
i feel like i wanna own a cat
a cat as my pet

heee.. it sound so weird
because i hate cats since i was born
i hate cats
because of im a afraid of it

it really annoying when i go to a stall
then there will be a few cats come
meow~~ here
meow~~ there

plus all my siblings
iman, alang and baby
are afraid of cats too
we scream like crazy when a cat
come to us

maybe because of our parents
who did not encourage us to have cat
as a pet
so thats what are we today
fear of cats!

but i wanna have a cat
like seriously
i wanna have one kitten
only one and it must be a kitten
i dont want those big and scary cat as a starter

maybe one day
if i have my own house
i will buy a kitten
scottish fold's breed for specific
it only costs around rm600
Tuzki Bunny Emoticon

isnt they ahdorebleeee???
heee...sayang, we gonna have one scottish fold
in our house taw?
nak jugak nk jugak nk jugak
Tuzki Bunny Emoticon 

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