

how am i going to describe this

right now.. right at this moment
when im writing this post
i have this 
some kind of feeling
feeling to spill out all the words
inside my thought


like seriously
ok ok ok
chill Qidd
*rephrasing my sentences

i just watched this movie
i thought that its gonna be
just another romantic comedy movie
a movie that i downloaded few days ago

it have such a good story plot
i mean VERY GOOD
the story was about this writer
who is forever-alone person
then one day, he wrote about his dream girl
and somehow everything that he wrote 
came true!
the girl was perfectly same
 as in the story he wrote.

trust me..
if you watch this you will never get bored
the story line, the plot
the actors
everything is ahmazinggg
i feel happy as the movie was kinda funny
and sad and excited

it was a good movie tho


why am i writing a movie review here
why i didnt study Hydrography
right now??

padahal buku Hydro ada kat sebelah laptop
tolak tepi sumenya
gara-gara nak tengok movie punye pasal!

aihh..banyak ag list movie nak tengok nieh
saya sangat2 wish saya ada kat KL
sekarang ini

nak pergi tengok SKYFALL
dekat IMAX
sayanggg, amik la ayang balikk!
nak tengok Skyfall sangat2!

but end of november
my another boyfie pulak keluar wayang
my dear Taylor Lautner in 
Breaking Dawn pt2

aduhh..duit duit duit

erh..lupe nk bagi tawu tajuk cite tadi ape

"Ruby Sparks"

i command u to download it now!

see u later
hydro, come back to me now..

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