Geomatic Dinner


november said goodbye 
to us yesterday
30th november 2012

and my course dinner was held yesterday 
at the KSL hotel and resort

kalau nak cerita pasal dinner nie
panjang gak la
at first memang xnak pergi langsung
wasting my mohneyyy!
sebab it is quite expensive
but after kene pakse
*sekali lagi
dan bermacam tolak tarik dibuat 
dengan senior
akhirnya mengalah jelah
untuk join program ni
*baek kan junior nie

so here are some of the pictures taken
before and during the dinner


with roommate terchenta : before bertolak

pic bajek macam fairytale skit sebab my baju ad wing !

nak tempura lagi :(
gambar makanan xde sebab i da kebulur sangat..terus makan je :P
arwah ibu punye evening bag

my table number

xtaw la ape motif letak gambar nie, tapi chandelier tuh sangat cantek

1st year 

my classmate

3rd year

4th year :)
then sesi fotografi kat luar dewan pulak

im gorgeous!

yes, she do ! bella

nak jugak..haha.. wan

chaotic buddies!

board tuh agak kedekut skit


*ada lagi banyak, but i couldnt find who is
the owner of the camera

the food was ok
mengenyangkan and i ate alot
because i didnt eat for the whole day
just to be nice in that dress

then the management of the event,
boleh laaa
slow sikit 
*banyak komen plak kan

kureng sikit

and about the themes
rasenye junior 1st year and senior 4th year
je yang terlebih vogue
kami 2nd year 
like always kan

xboleh nak komen banyak sgt
next year, our batch pulak 
kene handle dinner
mesti lagi chaos !

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